7 Ways To Make Exploding Ninja Stars

7 Ways To Make Exploding Ninja Stars
Here are 7 ways to convert ordinary popsicle sticks into exploding throwing stars, that burst into pieces on contact with walls, cupboards, and refrigerators.

There isn't anything dangerous, epic or mind-blowing in this project, and it's geared mainly for ages 8 and under, which none of you are, but this still took a lot of work to make, and I produced it because my 3 small boys and I had fun making these throwing stars, and I wanted to make a formal tutorial for other parents who might be looking for a crafty activity to do with their family. I remember learning how to make some popsicle stick bombs in my early years, but can't exactly remember where or how. Probably some random kid showed me at school, but I never forgot how to make them. At the time, it seemed really cool to be able to create a "throwing star" that would explode when it hit the wall, and now that my kids are a little bit older but still young enough to enjoy popsicle sticks), I thought this might be a great project to try with them.

I got a couple of bags of craft sticks and scoured the internet for different kinds of throwing stars or stick bombs that we could make. We ended up making 8 different kinds of stick bombs, which you'll see how to make in a future video. I've had hundreds of messages and comments asking for easy projects with simple materials, and this is about as simple as I can make it, however, I expect most of my viewers won't like it because it's a project geared toward a really young audience. But if you're a dad, your kids are going to love it .. so go have some daddy time, and make a bunch of exploding stick bombs!