1. "Crazy Nuts". This is one of my favorite illusions. Took me forever to make this. But was pretty happy with the results.
Template: http://i.imgur.com/3cZmu.jpg
2. This is one of the most difficult illusions I've ever produced. There are similar illusions out there that I based this off of. I had no instructions on how to produce it so I spent weeks thinking about how to create it. I created the illusion by using a 3D program called Blender. I first created the boxes the way they appear to be in reality. Then I copied the boxes and pasted them directly over the original. Then I started to change the shapes of the copied boxes with the original foreground boxes as a guide. I could manipulate the background boxes, changing the perspective while keeping the alignment of both sets of boxes. After I finished the manipulated boxes ...I flattened the objects ...then printed them out ...cut them ...folded them ...then placed the camera in the original specific angle.